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On a network, a computer is connected to a switch, which is connected to a router. The router is connected to the internet. DNS server IP address is configured on the router, but not on the computer. If the computer pings a website name (Ex: ping www.webkingsolution.com), would a response be received

Question ListCategory: NetworkingOn a network, a computer is connected to a switch, which is connected to a router. The router is connected to the internet. DNS server IP address is configured on the router, but not on the computer. If the computer pings a website name (Ex: ping www.webkingsolution.com), would a response be received
adamemliy16 author asked 9 years ago
1 Answers
jeanderson295 author answered 9 years ago

Since the DNS server is not configured on the computer, the website name would not be

resolved into an IP address. The ping would ultimately fail. To be successful, the DNS

server IP address should be configured on the computer.

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